The Arc memorial sculpture

Former residents and their families are invited to purchase a plaque which can be mounted onto our memorial sculpture, The Arc (previously known as the Tribute Wall).

The Arc honours the journey of all migrants who came through the Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre. 

If you would like to add your family name to it, please complete the online form below.

Honour your family's migration journey

Do you know someone who migrated to Australia and stayed at Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre? Featured proudly onsite, The Arc memorial sculpture commemorates individuals and families who arrived at the centre between 1947 and 1971.

Engraved plaques are available to purchase anytime for inclusion in the sculpture, and feature the family name and place of origin. A certificate showing the plaque on the sculpture will be issued to the applicant. Please note installation can take up to eight weeks.

Cost: $243 per plaque

You can register in the following ways.

  • Single person - Family name and given name, for example, SMITH, John.
  • Couples - Family name and given names, for example, SMITH, John and Jill.
  • Families - Family name and given names, for example, SMITH, John, Jill, Mary, Jack.

Alternate given names can be represented, for example, Johan (John) or John (Johan).

This is a wonderful way to remember the journey taken by friends and family.

For more information contact our friendly team on (02) 6020 6912 or email


